Development of applied research, innovation and knowledge dissemination, and training in the area of aging quality of life, functionality and human development concerning:
–Communities for Inclusion and Social Participation: Proposal strategies to promote more inclusive, participative and empowering communities, providing opportunities for lifelong learning, effective exercise of digital citizenship and spaces that value their skills and knowledge, contributing to processes of integrated development in the promotion of better social welfare and active aging.
–Mobility, independence and functional autonomy: To develop knowledge, products and services for basics, instrumentals and advanced activities support, as well as supporting the ability to involve the positive concept of life, promoting independence, participation and functional autonomy. It also concerns buildings, facilities and objects that were not designed for the needs of an ageing community, becoming obstacles to movement, security, accessibility, functionality independence and socialization
–Evaluation and intervention on ageing-Policies, services and care coordination: To promote networking among all actors of the functional community by creating tools and models (policy, services and care proposals) to support the care management on the population, including end of life.These tools need to be tested on the field.
–Construction and dissemination of knowledge: new development models of inter-professional intervention, focused on the person and community, contributing to a sustainable expansion for regional, national and international knowledge and community literacy level of maximizing the individuals and service providers knowledge and skills obtained through applied research in the territory used as laboratory.