(Projeto individual de Portugal)
Projeto coordenado – Ser mayor y vivir en un barrio con barreras topográficas. Las infraestructuras de movilidad urbana vertical como elementos integradores e inclusivos de los ancianos
The objective of the project is to assess the impact of vertical urban mobility infrastructures on the lives of elderly people with mobility problems living in cities with topographic differences in Spain and Portugal.
Code: POCTEP 0348_CIE_6_E
Entities involved
- Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (Copromotor)
- Universidade de Navarra (Promotor, IR: Juan José Pons Izquierdo)
- Instituto Politécnico da Guarda (em associação com o IPCB)
Coordinator/Research Team
- Mª João Guardado Moreira (IPCB)
- Vitor Pinheira (IPCB)
- José Massano Monteiro (IPCB)
- Paulo Fernandez (IPCB)
- Carolina Vila-Chã (IPGuarda)
- Nuno Martins Cameira Serra (IPGuarda)
Funding Source: The project is co-financed by Proyecto Centro Internacional sobre el Envejecimiento, CENIE (Código: 0348_CIE_6_E) del Programa de Cooperación INTERREG V-A España-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 and funded by ERDF
Link of the research project: http://unav.maps.arcgis.com
Beginning: July 2018
End Date: December 2019